
More jobs. work at home jobs. This is not an ad.

Okay, so my title choice are going WAY downhill. but i wanted to tell you what else I’m doing besides crying in blankets because of facebook ads, more of which happened today… more crying that is… i’ll be fine.

i said yesterday in a supportive environment that ‘Not knowing doesn’t mean I’m stupid, it just means I don’t know’.

today i’m clutching that like its my glasses at the end of the world library.


but what else i’m doing is this:

*editing romance novels.

*finessing the ‘about page’ for a Greek family jewelry/design business

*writing articles on how to pick a good Kindergarten, in Singapore.  not the same as in my town, dudes. not the same.

*swanking up acceptance speeches in Brazil, because there are Astrological organizations there that need swanking.

*applying daily for as many jobs as I can, because I have no idea what jobs I’m going to have next week.

*talking to myself moment-to-moment about how i should not quit crazy uncle job, because of money, and pride.  (austen moment, i’m not one of the survivors.)

i’ll be fine, but right now i’m not really.

i wrote this earlier and i liked it, i think its right. …

i am in such a mood. its killer. still no cigarettes. (day 5 in progress) but damn. it hurts. one of the things that kills me? i used to live like this all the time…the edge of tears, the full to the brim of ‘it must be my fault’… ‘i just hafta…and it’ll… ” “if i just _______, then ______it’ll be all better…” … all the time… and i’m done now, so revisiting like this is doubly painful. like, empathetic pain for the ‘she was’ … you know? ouch. ouch.



this photo has nothing to do with anything… but its a beach front place thats packing up for winter, and is chockfull of beauty. so much.  it burbles out.

Leave me your words! thoughts! sweat, blood, and tears not really needed but okay, if you want... :)

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