
Fidgets and Suddens.

My eight year old is obsessed. Can’t stop trying to spend her money on little bits of plastic that squish, or pop or spin. It is making me nuts, causing my inner panic buttons to be pressed about waste and the future and poverty and sea turtles.


And my house seems to be decomposing. Everything is breaking down this fall: cars, toilets, dryers, lightswitches, everything you can imagine. The suddenness of so many of them are keeping me from writing, which, you know, is how i make the money to cover the sudden things. My bills are mostly paid with child support and some alimony, but this extra stuff is all me, and i got a quote for a big ticket item that will curtail some of the constant littler things and i’m just overwhelmed guys, does one use savings in hopes that savings aren’t needed for a different sudden thing? its a many pronged fork and i just want to use my teeth. rip and gnash. get that?

it’ll all be fine, i know.

Today’s sudden was a toilet that isn’t filling with water, in its tank. Tomorrow’s sudden will be a handyman coming to visit. Friday I will be going back to the car dealership to fling myself on their mercy, again. There are days when there is nothing, and then a little fidget, and a Sudden will appear. Most days I’m good, I can swing with it.

and then there are the other days.

Its a Thriller video. It is.

Love you guys. I do. I’ll see you on the other side, with some things crossed off the list probably.


  • me.
white toilet paper roll on ceramic toilet
Photo by Vie Studio on

1 thought on “Fidgets and Suddens.”

  1. Must be 20 or more years since the previous owner renovated and repaired. Seems to be the natural life of “things.” So sorry to hear all this bad news. Does not sound like fun. And dear little grandniece needs something different to do with her hands. The planet does not need more plastic being consumed, spread around and thrown out only to end up in the clotted Sargasso Sea or choking some little fish! Bless both of you in these times of trial.

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